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Safety at SKELL


Dear South Kitsap Eastern Little League Participants:

Welcome to another fun and exciting season of South Kitsap Eastern Little League Baseball!

This Safety Awareness Manual is intended to inform our league participants with respect to the League’s safety standards, and to provide key safety information and guidelines to help promote the health and wellbeing of our players and our league. Every member of South Kitsap Eastern Little League has a responsibility to follow all safety rules and to take an active role in identifying and communicating safety issues that may arise during the season.

South Kitsap Eastern Little League's Board of Directors has continued to focus on the improvement of the overall safety of our league. We are addressing the wellbeing of our Players both from a physical and psychological standpoint. From the physical standpoint, we have continued to improve our complex in order to provide our players with a safe and healthy environment in which to play. From the psychological standpoint, we remain dedicated to our League’s Code of Conduct Policy. This policy pertains to every parent, guardian, volunteer and member of the league.

To oversee and administer this policy, the League’s Board of Directors has the ability to call a Code of Conduct Investigation Committee. Obviously, our hope is that through the continued fostering of community involvement and cooperation amongst our membership, the spirit of Little League will prevail and the Code of Conduct Investigation Committee will never be called into action.

In closing, please remember that safety rests with all of us, the volunteers, members and participants of South Kitsap Eastern Little League. Always use common sense, never doubt what children tell you, and report all accidents or safety infractions when they occur.

Now, let's play ball…and let’s play it safe!


Your South Kitsap Eastern Little League Board of Directors

Safety with Little League

Per Little League:  Little League’s most valuable asset are the people, making the operation of a safe and healthy program the top priority. Always considering the well-being of the players, volunteers, and fans, Little League has diligently developed player safety resources that can make the experience positive and memorable.

Little League® Child Protection Program

Little League states:

"The safety and well-being of all participants in the Little League® program is paramount. As adults, we want to ensure that the young people playing in the Little League program are able to grow up happy, healthy and, above all, safe. Whether they are our children, or the children of others, each of us has a responsibility to protect them."

USA Baseball Abuse Awareness Training

Email completed certificate to

CPR and First Aid Training

Per Little League

Like training coaches to properly teach fundamentals, training them and other volunteers in first aid practices isn’t just a requirement to be fulfilled. It’s an extra tool in place to help the season be a beneficial and safe experience for the Little Leaguers®. At least one manager or coach from each team in a league should attend a first aid class, though you should encourage attendance from as many league volunteers as possible. First aid knowledge is an invaluable tool to have for all of life’s emergencies.

The Registration "Safety at SKELL" is not currently available.

Each year SKELL offers CPR & First Aid Training that takes place at SKELL, during the month of February. This season our CPR training will be a bit different than past seasons. This season our CPR training will be a 2 part training.  

CPR & First Aid Training Offered at SKELL

1)  Once registered, you'll receive an online CPR training course to do at home. The CPR online training needs to be completed prior to February 20th.  

2)  After the online course is completed, we will have our in person training, using the CPR training mannequin. We will conduct the training in small groups, in the SKELL office. The training will take place the weekend of February 24 & February 25. The times will be determined, once we know how many people have signed up for the 2 part training.   
If you are going to help with your team and you would like to be CPR & First Aid certified, please contact our League Safety Officer.  

The SKELL CPR Training is at no cost to you, the league will provide the cost of the training.  

SKELL Physical Address

6600 E Hilldale Rd

Port Orchard, WA 98366

Non - Emergency Numbers

Kitsap County Sheriff Department:  (360) 337-7101

South Kitsap Fire and Rescue:  (360) 871-2411

Poison Control Center:  (800) 222-1222


Choosing a Medical Care Facility

If anyone needs professional medical attention, the proper procedure is to:

Defer to the emergency personnel that are present and allow them to take over care and transport the injured person to the appropriate facility.

If the injured person is not an adult, consult with the injured person's parent(s)/guardian(s), if present, for physician or hospital information, and ask if they wish to take their child to the facility of their choice. 

If the injured person is a South Kitsap Eastern Little League player, and no parent or guardian is present, check the player's Medical Release Form, "Green Sheet", provided by South Kitsap Eastern Little League.  This "Green Sheet" is to be maintained in the Manager's Binder, or whomever is present with the player during the practice or game.  The "Green Sheet" MUST be with the team at ALL South Kitsap Eastern Little League events, including games, practices, pictures, team parties, etc.

If there is a doctor, medical clinic or hospital listed on the "Green Sheet", provide this information to the emergency personal.

Concussion Information

At South Kitsap Eastern Little League, we take head injuries serious and we want every player and parent to take them serious as well.   As parents and coaches, you are the players advocate.  A small injury to the head can affect the child long term as they age.

WA Heads Up Information

In keeping with its focus on protecting the health, safety and welfare of children, LLB requires all leagues and teams to comply with all applicable laws and recommends the review of the information and training materials on concussions, review the Washington Heads Up information. 

Signs Observed by Parents or Coaches

  • Appears dazed or stunned
  • Forgets an instruction, is confused about anassignment or position, or is unsure of the game,score, or opponent
  • Moves clumsily
  • Answers questions slowly
  • Loses consciousness (even briefly)
  • Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes
  • Can’t recall events prior to or after a hit or fall.

Symptoms Reported by Children and Teens

  • Headache or "pressure" in head
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Balance problems or dizziness, or double or blurryvision
  • Bothered by light or noise
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
  • Confusion, or concentration or memory problems
  • Just not "feeling right," or "feeling down."

Providing First Aid Important "Do's" and "Don'ts"


  • Reassure and aid children who are injured, frightened or lost
  • Provide, or assist in obtaining medical attention for those who require it
  • Know your limitations
  • Carry your first aid kit to all games and practices
  • Look for signs of injury (blood, bruises, deformity of limbs, etc.)
  • Listen to the injured person describe what happened and what hurts
  • Gently and carefully feel the injured anrea for signs of swelling or grating of broken bones
  • Carry your players' Medical Release Forms "Green Sheets", with you at all games, practices and any other team functions
  • Arrange to have a cellular phone available during all games and practices 



  • Hesitate in administering aid when needed
  • Be afraid to ask for help if you are not sure of the proper procedures (such as CPR)
  • Transport or move injured individuals except in extreme emergencies
  • EVER leave an unattended child at practice or game
  • Administer any medications
  • Provide any food or beverage, including water, to a victim you believe may be in shock
  • Hesitate to report any suspected safety hazard to the Safety Officer immediately