Thank you for visiting our website! SKELL is a Little League® Baseball and Softball Organization for ALL kids from the ages of 4 to 16 years of age. We are a non-profit group of volunteers helping shape the youth of Port Orchard one child at a time playing the greatest team sport out there.
South Kitsap Eastern Little League has been working with our youth since 1955. Thank you to the many players and volunteers in our community over the years.
Including Coach link, Team Parent link, Umpire link, Teen Concession Application link.
Photos of our players at SKELL
Take a moment and sign our Alumni Guest Book - From Players, to Manager & Coaches, to other League Officials and Volunteers who have helped make our league the amazing league it is, over the past 60+ years.
This site is a working progress. ALL players and volunteers, must register through this site as of 2025.
Join us at Marcus Whitman with South Kitsap Western and South Kitsap Southern for a Port Orchard in person registration night.
Sign up to volunteer for the 2025 season with SKELL. Team Manager, Assistant Coach, Team Parent, Scorekeeper, Umpire and more...
T-Ball (ages 4-6) & Coach Pitch (age 6-8)
Minor, Major, Junior & Senior Divisions
Coach Pitch
Minor Division
To pay in person, select the payment option to pay offline, due by April 15.
Current List of the SKELL board members.
SKELL President
Phone: 360-990-5813
SKELL Vice President
Phone: 360-731-4603
Information about safety at SKELL, including information about our Free First Aid Training.
Positive communication for families thoughout SKELL. Negative comments will be deleted.
Go to the Calendar Tab to view All Upcoming Dates with SKELL
Sign up to volunteer to help your team. Coaches link, Team Parent Link, Teen Home Plate application, Score Keeping Classes, SKELL-A-Thon Coordinator link.
Information about umpiring. We are always looking for people to help umpire our games. We have a Junior Umpire program, that is growing too.
Little League Softball® strengthens self-esteem, promotes teamwork and sportsmanship, and develops on-field fundamentals while providing a competitive outlet for girls. Throughout our age divisions, we coordinate rules and regulations to help build your players. In the Little League teenage divisions, our rules closely align with NFHS to develop the grassroots and offer a second season for high schoolers. A community - based, youth softball organization that provides a place for every child to play, learn life lessons, and compete against neighboring communities and international countries. Little League is one of the only organizations to promote and charter youth softball worldwide. We have partnerships with national federations to assist with the education, instruction, and expansion of softball.
We are excited to bring back the softball program to South Kitsap Eastern Little League. Our season will run February/March until June and our post season with All Stars will run June into July for league age players 8-16. We will be offering softball at SKELL for league age players 4-16.
SKELL Team Sponsors: Home Run Level ($900+) and Grand Slam Level ($1200+)
Click the link for all of the Sponsors of SKELL. South Kitsap Eastern Little League thanks all of the community businesses for supporting our league.
SKELL Secretary
The Registration "Home of South Kitsap Eastern Little League" is not currently available.
We do NOT allow PETS on the field complex
We do NOT allow SMOKING past the parking lots, including NO Vaping and NO Smokeless Tobacco.
(there are designated areas for smoking)
No Alcohol or Drugs or Firearms